If the moon moves water, the sun moves shadows
5-20 October, 2017
Seventh Gallery
Fitzroy, Naarm Melbourne

Photographed by Christian Capurro
If the moon moves water, the sun moves shadows was a body of work exploring the concept of passive vitalism through the differing material demands of painting and the moving image. This work was developed while a Master of Fine Art candidate at Monash University.
Video notes: A Polaroid photograph was filmed at the site where it was shot, for the time that the image took to develop. This version of this work (ongoing since 2004) places an emphasis on duration through the ambiguity of the when the recorded moment ends, and through interruptions to the ‘image’. The paintings in this exhibition follow a similar logic, but through their different registration of time and luminosity shift the focus to a complex present-ness.
Evening light +
This work was reconfigured for MADA MFA Graduating Exhibition February 2018.